Social Media Management: Facebook

These last four weeks, I've run the majority of my publisher's social media pages. At first, I spent 10+ hours a day designing posts, responding to comments, and researching different areas to improve our reach. The most time consuming part? Redesigning all headers and profile images. I'm a big believer in an organization's main page... Continue Reading →

Internet Cliques?

Social Media – the cliques of the internet. While the pack of internet folks moves from one to the next, there’s always some that stay behind. Memes joke about the two sides of Tumblr – of Pinterest. Digital anthropologists study them like physical civilizations. I stare and slink away back to dead bodies. Dead bodies... Continue Reading →

Ultimate Fantasy Book Tour

I was lucky enough to be picked for a free week long book tour from Ultimate Fantasy Books. All I had to do was join this group on Goodreads and participate. Ultimate Fantasy Books reached out to different book bloggers, scheduling 7 days of spotlights, reviews, and excerpts. Overall, I was featured in a post... Continue Reading →

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