Review: Nura and the Immortal Palace

Title: Nura and the Immortal Palace Author: M. T. Khan Stars: ★★★ (3 stars) Whether you're a specialty press out of the midwest or a big hitter like Hachette, using Studio Ghibli as a comparison in your sell line is dangerous. Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away holds a special place in my heart, and in a generation of... Continue Reading →

Book Review: WAYWARD SON

Title: Wayward Son Author: Rainbow Rowell Stars: ★★★★ (4 stars) After a thread disordered itself on Twitter, I remembered I do have a blog for these things, so spoilers are ahead - vague but definitely there. My biggest issues with this book come in that neither Penny nor Baz seem to make very important connections - ones which... Continue Reading →


As I'm prepping the launch of CONQUEST RISING (January 2020), I've been looking for a new way to distribute my ARCs. Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) are a great way for authors to get word about their book churning around the internet before launch day, and matched with a pre-order, they can bring in sales. However,... Continue Reading →

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